A S E R I E S O F V I D E O I N S T A L L A T I O N S M A D E B E T W E E N 2 0 0 1 A N D 2 0 1 0

littoral - derived from the latin for shore; in contemporary usage, the zone between high and low waters; more broadly, an 'in between' - also incorporating 'coastal waters', a placeless zone from which one may closely observe the shore, yet remain detatched
the 'liminal' in Victor Turner - the second stage of ritual structure, a period of transition where the normal limits of thought, understanding, and behaviour are relaxed
white cube/black cube - the liminal spaces of the gallery cube - the placeless place of the white cube, and the spaceless space of the darkened cube
"there is a paradox of immanence and transcendance in all perception....the object perceived cannot be completely foreign to the perceiver, and at the same time contains more than is ever given at any one time and standpoint.....things do not originally impose themselves as'true' for any mind, but as 'real' for any subject standing where I am........"